Episode 51: Unhinged:
“Tell it like it is if you're going to tell it”
If you were on the internet in 2018 there’s no way you missed the memes and videos of the man with the crazy hair representing himself in his own murder trial. For the majority, it was a good laugh watching him shout at the jurors but buckle up conjurers because the true story behind those internet memes is about to leave you enraged.

Conjure Tip of The Week
Signs of Toxic Religion: Religion gives people something to believe in, provides a sense of structure and typically offers a group of people to connect over similar beliefs. These facets can have a large positive impact on mental health. Research suggests that spirituality reduces suicide rates, alcoholism and drug use. However when religion becomes a means to avoid or control life, it becomes toxic. Those who possess a toxic faith have stepped across the line from a balanced perspective of God to an unbalanced faith in a weak, powerless or uncaring God. They seek a God to fix every mess, prevent every hurt, and mend every conflict. Everyone has the right to believe in whatever brings them comfort and peace but you also have the responsibility to make sure you’re not bringing destruction to those around you while doing so.
Ep. 51 Sources