Episode 77: Attacked at Sea
Terry Jo Duperrault
Picture for a minute your dream vacation. Maybe it includes wild adventures or serene beaches. We all have that special fantasy we conjure up when a hard day's work gets to be a little too much and we long for a break. One family's dream vacation became a reality but in a single moment it was transformed into a tragic nightmare.

Conjure Tip of The Week
The ocean has always felt magical to me. I love the smell of the water, the rhythmic crash of waves, and the breeze that brushes my cheek as I feel the sand under my feet. Many people collect seashells, myself included, and you can actually make your own rune set with the shells you collect. All you need is a permanent marker or paint and a collection of seashells. Once you have your shells, look up the rune symbols you wish to use and draw one symbol on the smooth side of each shell. Do this intuitively. Trust that each shell you select is the right one for the symbol you’re drawing on it. Traditionally, 24 of your shells will have symbols and one will remain blank. Use your runes for divination and keep them wrapped up in a cloth when not in use.
Ep. 77 Sources